Friday, 28 October 2011

"Soft rain, starting..marine gardens", 96 x 96 cm, framed behind glass

Three layers of one...: Steel float on top of perspex box, stitched layer of threaded drawing on painted canvas.  50x50 cm

Originally made to fit on top of pictures to cast their shadows onto the picture plane...these have turned out to relate to the visual nature behind ...

"Light & water, flooding..."  Detail of the 170 x 62 cm picture, acrylics on canvas and two stainless steel floats.

Monday, 26 September 2011

Trying out textile floats on background paintings....

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Local architecture dissolving into colour and thread....

Good news: ....Warrington Contemporary Arts Festival have chosen to include two of my artworks in their upcoming show this autumn!

Even better new is that "Cool cloud on memory place" won a prize at the Warrington Contemporary Arts festival! 

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

An exhibition of my currant artwork on show with examples of the techniques I work with at 3 Castlegate, Prestbury, SK10 4AZ,  10am-5pm, on 8th & 9th October.

See the whole brochure for other artists' shows at their studios here
Download the whole brochure of the Cheshire Open Studios events here, or ring me and I can send you one.

Some of my artwork on show here!

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

77 x 52 cm, textile float on canvas

Monday, 27 June 2011

Covering a piano with "threaded"drawings for the Barbaby festival!

Sunday, 26 June 2011

"Cool Cloud on memory place", 94 x 94 cm

Detail from ""Mellow flutter", 77 x 52 x 8 cm

Detail from "Malaria", 76 x 76 cm

"Fragmented desires: Sinking in", 54 x 43 cm 

"Crowding memories of space and light", 94 x 94 cm

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Breaking dimensions...

"Waves of light and change" (271 x 73 cm) has rhythms of colour and accumulation of lines that form into natural shapes of wood, rock and water.. out of which architectural shapes emerge.
This artwork breaks the dimensions of everything I have ever worked on. It took the length of a whole room to stitch and paint and a van to transport. 
See more views of it here

These two are called "Malaria" and "Cancer flower" (this second one is a derivation of a breast cancer cell) and they show exactly that.
I think the shapes are beautiful and dramatic and very relevant in a sense much beyond their visual impact. You can see close-up views here.

New Artwork from "Canvas, thread & Steel"

Detail from "Fragmented Desires: Before the moment"
See large views of this artwork here

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Preview afternoon of "Canvas, thread and steel", at Bollington Arts Centre

New artwork with steel, thread and layers of paint all coming together in the same image.

I have really surprised myself with this set of new artwork. As I was combining steel floats, delicate layers of fabric which carry hand-stitched drawings and canvasses painted with acrylics, most of the artwork only came together once they hung on the wall and were assembled, boxed in acrylic and super-imposed onto each other. 
I have discovered that I really enjoy the "engineering" side of some of the pictures, as steel needed cutting and bending to the right radius and fabric needed stretching and attaching...
(I hear some people think: ".... can you not just paint canvasses, would be easier...")
Look for some more pictures here, but best, come along on Sundays 10th, 17th, 24th April and 1st and 8th of May, 2-4pm an have a look yourself. If you can' t make these dates, ring me on 07941 348502 and arrange a time that suits you.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Monday, 10 January 2011

Ladies on grey, 135 cm x 65 cm
canvas, thread and acrylic paint

Veiling and un-veiling an image seems to be an interesting thread makes up fabric and canvas in the first place and the strong verticals dissect the image..