New artwork with steel, thread and layers of paint all coming together in the same image.
I have really surprised myself with this set of new artwork. As I was combining steel floats, delicate layers of fabric which carry hand-stitched drawings and canvasses painted with acrylics, most of the artwork only came together once they hung on the wall and were assembled, boxed in acrylic and super-imposed onto each other.
I have discovered that I really enjoy the "engineering" side of some of the pictures, as steel needed cutting and bending to the right radius and fabric needed stretching and attaching...
(I hear some people think: ".... can you not just paint canvasses, would be easier...")
Look for some more pictures
here, but best, come along on Sundays 10th, 17th, 24th April and 1st and 8th of May, 2-4pm an have a look yourself. If you can' t make these dates, ring me on 07941 348502 and arrange a time that suits you.